Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Green means go

Lately life has seemed like an endless bumpy road and constant red lights or on some occassions a full out u-turn...... I'm usually a pretty upbeat person, pretty positive, I try to look for the good in things or people and usually at my own expense.  I give people the benefit of the douball the time and I trust the wrong people, I let people use me and I've always been OK with it.  It was a choice I was making.  I told myself....they need me....I'm helping them.....I want to do this - when in reality....I didn't, they didn't and it's just plain stupid.

I feel like I've been doing so much for everyone else - I did this because I thought it was "the right thing to do". I've spent countless $$$ trying to help "friends" because I convinced myself I wanted to....when in reality....I was trying to avoid red lights.  Red lights slow you is full of them.  We always forge ahead at full speed and lights make us stop....I've been stopped for so long but I didn't even realize it until my drive into work this morning.

I've always had a hard time sleeping....I can never turn my brain off long enough to settle down at's always running at warp speed and I've never know how to slow it down enough to get good I've gotten older, it seems to have gotten even worse. I woke up extra early today, which isn't unusual for me, but I must have gotten up at the exact right minute and gotten ready and out the door in the exact moment....because my less than 5 mile commute to work usually takes me 20 minutes because of all the stop lights along any route I choose. Some how the Universe conspired with me today and I hit EVERY GREEN light along the was shocking.  No one cut me off, no one stopped in front of me to take a turn against traffic so I had to sit and wait...nothing...every light was green and I was at work in less than 10 was UNBELEIVABLE.  It made me think about how delightful it was to have all green stopping, no pausing, no waiting...just an easy breezy flow to start my day.  I can count on one hand the number of times that has ever happened to me....ZERO!  It made me nice it would be if life were fill of more green lights.....I could use some green lights in my life....

It's funny, the older we get, the more we start thinking about what really matters, what's most important.  It's time to get rid of all those things in your life that are holding you back, that are causing you stress and strive and sitting at red lights.  Time to make those lights green.  Stop giving your time and energy to the people who don't add value....who take and give nothing back. It's time to soar with all your worth.