Monday, August 29, 2011

Getting lost to get found

Sometimes we have to lose to win, get lost to get found. Make any sense to you? Cause it didn't to me until I started really thinking about it. Sometimes when we force ourselves to THINK about things we either muddle things up even more or create these situations that will never really actually come about and we end up so disappointed.

I've begun to realize the older I get how much time we waste hoping things will change, waiting for things to change....working in baby steps towards making things change but really, we don't have any control other than our own voice and our own choices. I recently was talking with a friend who was trying to make a plan for 5/6 months from now. We talked through different scenarios and laid out the plans, including all the "what if's" and the "maybe's" but still, we could really only talk it out. I began to realize with utter fear and frustration, that you can't really plan on anything.

I heard this speaker today going on and on about the choices we make in our lives. How we can't keep waiting for the WHAT IF'S or the MAYBE'S to happen. That each day is a choice and we are not promised tomorrow. He said "live each day as if it's last and eventually you are going to be right". That's really all we can depend on...the final result. He also talked about not settling...not giving into what is and to keep striving and working towards what it is you think you really want. If you don't know what that is keep fighting for it, keep looking. He talked about living each day to the best of your ability and if you find yourself waking up dreading what it is you are about to go give 8/10 hours of your life to then it's time to think about making a change. Made me really think and realize life is way to short to not enjoy it.

Why do we stay with people we aren't excited to be with, go to jobs that bring us no joy, do things we dread? I have to honestly stop and ask myself this question pretty hard.

Then I heard this story that I thought was pretty cool:

A six-old girl was at a drawing lesson, sitting at the back of the room because she rarely paid attention. However, on this particular day the little girl was very engaged. The teacher was interested in why the little girl was so engaged, so she went over to her and asked, “What are you drawing?” The girl said, “I’m drawing a picture of God.” The teacher replied, “But nobody knows what God looks like.” To which the little girl said very matter-of-factly, “They will in a minute.”

So what does your future look like?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Learn to become who you are

Some days it's really easy to be me. I wake up with a zest for my own life and I begin my day looking forward to all the new adventures that will come my way. Then there are those days that I can barely open my eyes and my soul seems closed off to anything and everything new that might come my way. Sometimes those days turn into weeks....and I find myself questioning who I have become. Who I have chosen to be, who I continue to work towards becoming.

I grew up the oldest girl and therefore had responsibilities thrust upon me before I could really understand what it meant. I grew up always taking care of someone else. Making sure my sisters got their homework done, the dishes were done, people were fed, no fighting, the house was picked technically I was a housewife since about age 8. I remember one time when I was about 12 or 13 years old I was sitting with my mom in our living room and when my dad came home, he asked me what was for dinner. He specifically addressed me and asked me what was for dinner....I remember thinking that was cool...I loved that. I felt in charge and kind of like a big deal. Looking back on it however, it kind of blows.

I learned early on in life to take care of other people. To put their needs, wants and desires first and that's not a bad thing, but it kind of leaves me in a weird place now as a single adult. I no longer have anyone to do that for. For about 12 years I was an assistant of some type, I was always the go to, knowledgeable person and that worked for me. Within the last year and half to two years, I've become more of a solitary worker bee. I mostly have no interaction with other humans, I write and edit and stare at a computer screen or scour the Internet for data. Who have I chosen to become?

We make the choice to be who we are by the actions we do each and everyday. I'm a little worried I've chosen a path that isn't who I really am. Can you go back and re-trace your steps and by doing something as simple as making different choices, ultimately change your path?

Worth a try.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sky's the limit - full of possibilites

There's nothing like change to make you appreciate what you had....have. There's nothing like change to snap you into waking up to all the possibilities life hands us everyday.

How do you know you won't like brussel sprouts if you actually never taste one? What if, by just trying one, you open yourself up to endless possibilities you didn't even know existed until you ate a brussel sprout. Now grant it, a brussel sprout can't change the world, but it can make a difference.

I was in Montreal, Canada last week, and despite my bum knee, I managed to hobble around enough to see some amazing sites. Some places I will probably never get back to in my I took full advantage of the little bit of free time I did have. It was awesome. I would like to go back and see more but I'm thankful I had some time to see what I did. On the way there I was so focused on the week, the conference, my wardrobe for the week. So concentrating on where I had to be and when and how I was going to get there and would I get lost and would I know anyone and....and...and....I was so focused that I didn't realize we had hit turbulence outside the normal amount of turbulence. I mean I've flown a number of times and had the occasional bumpy ride, I even landed once in a thunderstorm. That scared the daylights out of me because a plane is a giant piece of metal and it felt like we were flying INTO the lightening. But this particular turbulence was was super shaky....and we were in a smaller plane than I'm used too....two seats on each we were shaking around pretty good. I didn't get worried until we did one of those know the kind where you sort of pop out of your seat and for one split second you are seat buckled in but yet you pop out of your seat. A collective gasp arose from the plane that made me so scared I thought I was going to pee.

When an entire plane gasps out loud....I think that's time to worry. I had a window seat and all I could see was white puffy clouds...I was praying to God (or whomever) that the pilot could see something more than me....the plane continued to shake about quite a bit and I couldn't help but cry. A tear ran down my cheek and the woman next to me, a complete stranger, offered me her hand and told me to just was the scariest few moments of my life. It literally only lasted a few minutes but it scared me. I began thinking after is too short to be so focused and skipping the moment we are in. It was like the Universe was slapping me in the face saying STOP WORRYING ABOUT THE NEXT MOMENT AND THE NEXT MOMENT. FOCUS ON WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW!

So I did...I focused on breathing and holding a complete strangers hand.

The sky's the limit....each and every day we have the opportunity to find new possibilities, new challenges, new roads to explore. How we choose to spend that time and that day is entirely up to us. We can be so focused on the next thing and the next thing and the next or we can try to see what each day and each moment offers us in terms of possibilities.

I've said it before, I'll say it's hard to be an adult!