Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Saved up wishes

I recently came across some old photographs of my grandparents. They were young, like mid 30’s and they looked happy and carefree and it made me smile.  They had their whole lives in front of them and it didn’t appear they had all the worry lines that life provides added to them yet. They didn’t appear to be worried about their health as they sat happy as can be, both with a cigarette perched on their fingers and a cocktail in front of them.  They looked glamorous and completely content with their choices. Isn’t it funny how fast things change.

It got me thinking. Thinking about what they were thinking about. Did they have a plan for their future? Did they know sitting there on that blanket in some park that in 15/20 short years my grandfather’s health would deteriorate to a point that they would move from the cold home of Chicago to a warmer retirement climate in Florida?
That in an even shorter time the cancer would invade his body and slowly his seep into his brain until he had nothing left of who he ever was or thought he would be. Or the fact that my grandmother would be left alone in a city where she would live until I went down one November and packed up her life in a weekend to bring her back here, with her family, to die.

What did they wish for in those early days?  And did they ever achieve them?
I’ve been missing them a lot these days….maybe because of the holidays, they loved Christmas. My grandfather’s nick name was Frosty. My grandmother decorated a tree like no one ever does. Tinsel covered ever inch and I’m sure could be seen from space, it was glorious. I’ve been thinking about them and the life they lived. They saw some really tough times. They lived through a war, their only son, my uncle being in Vietnam. My mother marring a man they despised. Alcoholism, depression, death of family and friends…they saw it all and yet, they remained together and true to each other their entire life. There was no divorce, no walking away when things got hard but they took care of each other, they loved each other. With love anything is possible. Maybe it’s because they were two people who no matter what, loved me unconditionally. They never cared how much money I made, what I wore, if I was dating anyone…..they loved me….me for me. I miss that. 

I remember one time I asked my grandfather what his new year’s resolutions were. He laughed out loud. He had this amazing, raspy smoked one too many camel’s kind of laugh that always made me happy. He said I don’t waste my time making resolutions….I make lists of things and I try to get to them, if I don’t then I don’t….why set yourself up for failure. I sure do miss him.

“When you love someone, all your saved up wishes start coming out.”

It’s like something has gotten lost along the way. Where are the saved up wishes?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Never changing who I am

Happy 2013. It's been a while since I blogged...one goal is to get back to it more regularly.

Another new year is upon us and as I was driving into work this morning I was reflecting on where my life is at right now.  I am healthy, moderately so, still fighting this cold but overall healthy, I am employed, actually with two jobs, I have a nice home, reliable transportation, amazing friends and a supportive family. One could say I have a pretty good life. I am content….I don’t know that I would go as far as to say happy, but I am content.  I think that’s ok…it gives me something to work towards.
I am going to be 50 this year…and while that number when said out loud kind of makes my skin crawl….I don’t mind it. I feel I have enough years, experience and crap behind me to own that age without apology. 2012 was a year of some major changes for me….some good…but all a necessary part of life.

I’ve come to embrace and understand that no matter how much you want something and how hard you work towards it you don’t always get what you want so you have to learn to settle for what you have. It’s a hard lesson to this day I’m still struggling to accept and be OK with but – it is what it is and I can’t spend any more energy and time focused on it. My life is what it is and I have to just be content with it.
What I have decided to stop doing is apologizing for who I am. I am pretty darn OK just as I am. I’ve decided to quit trying to change to fit other peoples molds of who they THINK I should be or how I should act or who I should hang out with. Quit trying to keep negative, mean, unhappy people in my life. I am who I am and I won’t apologize for it. If you don’t want to have me in your life – ok…that’s fine, it’s kind of sad for you because I am a pretty good person to have around….for real. I’m certainly not perfect, I’ve  made mistakes, I’m pretty sure I will continue to, but I am a good and true friend…for those who can’t see that…again…it makes me sad for you.

I was thinking about how I used to make my thoughts, opinions, plans all revolve around someone else. Their wants, needs – I let them have control of things.  I played my part; I thought that’s what I was supposed to do but no more. It’s taken me a little time to see it’s good those people are not in my everyday life. I don’t hate them or wish anything for them but happiness but I’m just glad I am choosing not to be a part of that life anymore. I have let a lot of things go over the years for myself…but now I see that really isn’t true to me. I am working hard to hear my own voice….to surround myself with people who are good and true and add things to my life vs. sucking things away. It’s time I made better choices both emotionally and physically….so good bye to the old…..and hello to whatever this year may bring.
I am living my life for me….if people don’t like it then you know what….don’t be my friend. Don’t be a part of my life but don’t be mean or try to make me change because I am never going to change who I am.

Don't let others define you. Don't let the past confine you. Take charge of your life with confidence and determination and there are no limits on what you can do or be.

~Michael Josephson