Friday, June 24, 2011

Get outside your bubble

Life moves at warp speed, no one is going to deny that. Sometimes it's just easier to keep doing the same old things.

You wake up, you shower, you comb your hair, you pray you have coffee in the cabinet and you trudge into work. You know...routine, common place, the same stuff...different days...but then you dare to do one little thing different and suddenly it's like your in an episode of The Mary Tyler Moore show and you feel like you ARE going to make it after all!!

I am a social person. I know many will be shocked by this statement, but it's true. I like to talk, to eat, to drink, to not be sitting at home watching the world pass me by. I've often held 2 if not 3 jobs to not only help ensure I'm out and about, but to have that extra play money to do the things I love to do. Recently, however, my body has started to rebel against me and I've had to scale things back quite a bit and frankly - I'm not happy about it!

I had foot surgery in March that took me down for a good month. I had to stop, sit, and heal. It's not quite 100% yet but I can no longer move on. Then on Memorial Day weekend, I decided I am invincible and 12 years I had some fun on the trampoline. Now before you roll your eyes, you must seemed really safe....and like a really good idea at the time...I seized the moment! I mean, it was in IN ground's flush with the ground so not only did I NOT have to haul my but UP into it, I couldn't fall OFF of it. What I didn't anticipate however, was the slipping potential. Yes...since it was an in ground tramp, the water factor that pools up UNDER it never crossed my mind. So just as I was stepping off, I slipped. I slipped good too! My leg went one way, my body the other and well....the rest is history. Tore, no wait, completely shredded my ALC in my left knee (mind you, the foot surgery was on my right foot) sprained another ligament and bruised my bone. Now as if that isn't painful enough, I am sporting a killer knee brace that makes me look like Forest Gump until I have surgery on Aug. 3.

Living in the moment can have consequences. What are the options though....sit at home watching the world go by or going out, playing hard, getting hurt and living with the shame, I mean consequences? I guess I say go big or go home!

So....this has taken me back a bit...kind of kept me from my normal running around, since I'm in pain almost all the time (still worth it!) and I'm kinda slow (slower than I normally am) I am not really an asset to my normal posse. Not that anyone is kicking me to the curb, but I'm definitely a damper to most situations. So I need to find some new opportunities to expand my "bubble".

I need activity so I decided to do something recently I don't normally do...I took risks...I stepped outside my bubble for just a bit and I have to say, it's been kind of refreshing. I've met some great new people, not to say my regular people aren't enough, but more is always better. I've learned some new things and I've started to think about my life and things a little differently. It's like it's your same space, you've just changed the paint color. is my challenge to one thing differently this week. Make one change in your routine. Meet one new person for coffee or drinks or dinner. Step outside your own bubble and tell me that doesn't make the rest seem OK.

It's summer....time for fun!

1 comment:

Jake T said...

I read your blog and agree with you for the most part. I too like to try different things to keep life fresh however, I will not be getting on any trampolines any time soon!

Hope your recovery is swift and as painless as possible.

Jake T