Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Think, Think, Think

If you think on it long enough, you'll know. You just will.
In fact you already do.
The Universe

Thinking is a critical skill that I think I am lacking. I mean I know how to do it, I spend a lot of time doing it but I am not very good at it.

I think about things and then my mind sort of spins out of control, it goes off on tangents I can't seem to control. The "what if" card always comes into play. Anytime I stop doing things my mind races. It's frustrating. I think I preferred it when I didn't think about things....that I lived and loved my little world of denial. Ahhh, I miss those days.

What has thinking really done for a person anyway? I mean when you spend so much time thinking and not actually living what's the pay off? I don't know how to stop it. It's kind of like it's been bottled up for so long and now I can freely process and think about whatever my little mind desires and there is no stopping it.

Work has been insanely busy, which is good, but all day long I try to focus on all the stuff I have to do....like cramming 10 hours worth of work in a 8 hour day and my personal life has been sort of a disappointment lately that when I finally lay down at night my mind wanders wild and free.

I've taken to not requiring much sleep....well I require it but my body and brain have decided I only need between 4 & 5 hours at the most. It doesn't matter how much I talk to myself....sleep does not seem to be something I am interested in doing. Ugh!!!!

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