Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's all about timing

Some times the days, weeks and months fly by without me even noticing them. It seems I am always planning ahead, what's happening tomorrow, next week, next month. When this project is done, when summer is always seems like I am moving at the speed of light. Then sometimes things happen and you think wow, if I hadn't been at this event I wouldn't have seen that, or if I didn't move here I would have never met this person....timing. It's all about timing and what the Universe decides we need at that moment.

Last summer I finished school, something that had consumed a bulk of my life for a few years. I was either in class, going to class or doing homework for a few years. As it neared the end, I found myself struggling with not only figuring out who I was when I was no longer that school girl, but where I fit in my own life and elsewhere. The Universe heard me and provided me with a summer of fun, unexpected adventures that took me basically into the fall months. As the seasons changed, so did my adventures. Soon they waned like a fall moon and I was back into a life of routine, common place and non-adventure. It's not a bad place to live, it's just a little boring.

So there I was, life moving along, nothing to write home about yet nothing to get to excited about. The new year comes in without a ripple, without a blip...just like any other day I keep on doing the same things. So how do you change that? How does one create excitement or passion, or change in their own life?

This has been a busy year as I seek to find some new paths to walk down. I don't mind walking alone, I'm used it it, it's comfortable, it's at my own pace but I wouldn't mind having a friend to tag I keep looking for someone to hang with but seems I may have waited too long and I think at this point, I'm destined to wander my path solo.

The Universe sends me this message today: You are the right person, this is the right time, you've paid your dues, you're thinking the right thoughts, you're doing the right things, and this very moment, you are exactly where you're supposed to be... poised for the happiest time of your life.

So it appears I am doing what I am suppose to be doing, I am where I am suppose to be at and this is the happiest time of my life....who would have guessed that the droll, mundane things I am doing on a daily basis are what I am destined to be doing. I suppose things certainly could be worse.

Seems a little disappointing to me, sort of like a firework that is all bang and no real fizzle. OK Universe....I'll try to appreciate.

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