Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Choice or Chance?

Choice, not chance determines our destiny. So many times it's not WHAT you say, but how you say it that makes the difference. Saying "I'm sorry" and meaning it is much different than just saying the words. Saying "I love you" out of routine or habit is not the same as looking someone in the eyes and saying "I love you".

Go to any restaurant or coffee shop and look at the people around you. How do they carry themselves? Do they look happy? Do they look like they are totally digging their life? Do you?

The Universe, in all it's wisdom, provided this thought for me:

Young souls learn to accept responsibility for their actions. Mature souls learn to accept responsibility for their thoughts. Old souls learn to accept responsibility for their happiness.

Why must we be old before we learn the lessons life has to teach us? How come we can't learn to get by earlier with little victories? I wonder if in my next life I'll live with no fear, stand tall and strong knowing all that I need to know to get by.

Perhaps someday the world will catch up with us all and we will wake up knowing what it is we need to know right now. It seems like some life tragedy or big life issue has to happen for us to realize what it is we all should know about ourselves all along. Life true to who we are and we should be fine.

I suppose it's time to figure out who I am.

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