Some days you just have to create your own sunshine.
Sometimes no matter how much you want it, things just don't go your way. In those cases, we need to be able to go somewhere deep inside and pull the energy or motivation to keep on plugging away at our own lives. That is a well we have to be sure is constantly stocked, if it runs low or empty that's how we end up with self doubt and soon our fears begin to take over.
Learning to keep that well stocked is a hard lesson. Sometimes we don't even know it's been depleted until we dip into it only to hit the stony walls...suddenly we panic and chaos rules supreme because we have nothing to draw our energy from. Sometimes friends or lovers can help get up through those moments but overall, it's really up to us. We are the only ones who can really keep our own wells full with what we need, after all who knows better than ourselves what we need?
I wish it there were a warning light like in a car. When something is wrong some light comes on and you think "what the hell is that". You did through your glove box for your owners manual and look it up...or google it. Then you know how to proceed. Oh...the oil needs to be changed or oh the engine is gonna blow....but you at least get some what of a warning....danger Will Robinson...danger.
I think it would be really helpful if had some kind of warning light....some kind of a sign that our well was getting low. Maybe a flashing light, a warning sound possibly even a text message.
Guess it's something we need to be in tune with to be able to know when our well is low, maybe that's what our close friends are for...they are are warning lights.
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