Why is it once something is over, some event is done, a relationship ends or a argument passes we always think of a better way to handle it. Or think of something more we could have done, said or acted? Why does it always feel "too late"?
Given another chance, would we really take more risks? Knowing what we know after the fact, would we have or could we have tried harder? Is it possible to avoid the regret that comes with the thinking of what might have been?
Lately sleep has not been my friend. I spend so much of my day running around doing for everyone else. Helping, assisting, fixing their issues, making everyone else's life better whether it be at work or at home....but the problem I am realizing is that no one, not even myself, accomplish that for me. What about me? When do I become the priority in my own life?
I realize the job I have and the life I have chosen to live allows this to become my reality but at some point something has to give back....give to me some little moment.....how do you make that happen? If thoughts become things then how much effort can I put into my thought process of what I need?
It's hard to ask for and get what we need. We start a life, a path, a chosen profession and at some point along the way we either embrace it or decide it's not for us and then what...we either continue to struggle through it depending on friends and family to keep talking us off the ledge or we at some point get brave and change paths.
Been there, done that...changed paths but it clearly wasn't right either...so I came back, sort of. I returned to the company and to different opportunities but still kind of the same. At some point though the old became....well, old. The same old - same old just isn't cutting it any more. If you aren't happy with your work it filters out into your own life and soon, like a cancer, it takes over your everything....and then you wake up exhausted, tired, worn to the bone wondering how it all fits together.
The Universe was full of infinite wisdom today:
The slate's been wiped clean, the past has released its grip, and before you sparkles eternity, yearning for direction. All that lies between you and the life of your dreams is just one teeny, tiny, gentle, little rule. Only one condition, prerequisite, principle that matters.
It's not love. It's not God. It's not fate, or luck, or karma. It's not complicated or esoteric, and you needn't sacrifice, plead, or pray to invoke it. It's the only rule that's ever existed, and it's the only one that will ever exist. No reality can exist in its absence. For its mere existence, you are. With its existence, the power, the light, and the way are revealed. It's your purpose to discover it, and it's your destiny to master it. It's the beginning, the middle, and the end. The Alpha and the Omega. The be-all and end-all of every wish, desire, and dream, and you are its keeper.
This caveat of all caveats is that absolutely nothing can be anything until it is first imagined. Thoughts become things, nothing else does. And so it's the thoughts you choose from here on out that will become the things and events of your life, forevermore. It is written in stone. There's no other way. It's your ticket to anywhere you can dream of. Your passport to abundance, health, and friendships. The key to the palace of your wildest dreams.
Your thoughts, and your thoughts alone, will set you in motion. Your thoughts will yield the inspiration, creativity, and determination you need. Your thoughts will orchestrate the magic and inspire the Universe. Your thoughts will carry you to the finish line if you just keep thinking them. Never give up. Never waiver, doubt, or ask.
Aim high.
The hardest work has been done. The wars have already been waged. The lessons have already been learned. The journey, now, is for home.
Sounds easy doesn't it. Now if I could just get my head to cooperate I can rule the world. .
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