Living a simple life isn't as simple as it sounds.
What if I told you that you couldn't have anymore of anything... no more friends, no more money, no more anything until you first got happy with what you have?
Easy to change,
The Universe
p.s. If you're not happy with what you've got, it's hard to imagine that you're really thinking favorably on those things. The thoughts you think, perhaps unfavorably, limited, and afraid, are the ones that will receive priority in the manifestation of tomorrow. Uck.
The harshness of this message this morning kind of made me stop and think. Lately I've been spending a great deal of my energy focused on what I don't have, what I don't get, what I wish were my reality. I know your suppose to be thankful for where your at, for what you have - but there comes a time in your own life, when you just can't keep fighting anymore. When nothing seems to go your way and absolutely nothing seems to turn out right and you just don't seem to have a place and those proverbial doors your suppose to be able to open are locked, dead bolted and you just can't do it.
You need people around you to be the "doors", to be the people you can turn to in these times and just know that they are there for you, they get you, they don't judge you. They just hold your hand and walk with you until you find a door that will open. A good friend will do that for you and then in turn you will do that for them. You need these kinds of people in your life, you need those people that you know in your heart, you can turn to in any type of situation and they are always there.
Do we complicate our own lives by trying to fight a losing battle all the time? Are we preventing our own self from living a simpler life?
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