Monday, March 22, 2010

Learning to leap

There is that old saying Leap and the net will appear. That statement has power and at some point in life we all have to take that chance, that risk and go.

I only remember it happening one time to me and it was mostly because I wasn't even thinking about it, I just did it. I just did what I needed/wanted to and suddenly I realized, there was a net....holding me close and I felt good and safe....for a short while. I think once I realized it, I got scared and that's when I found the hole in the net and boom....down I came.

Maybe that's what we are suppose to do in life, not think about it, just leap. I mean that's obviously where that saying originated from....leap and the net will appear. We get conditioned in life however to doubt, to fear, to not trust that the net will indeed be there. We get burned one too many times by people, life, our heart and suddenly we become so distrustful of our own soul. Can you imagine the power we could have over our own life if we trusted ourselves first?

I always want to leap. I have these grand ideas that flow through my head most of the night and then in the light of day, reality sets in and I cave, I give into the life I have and move on, forgetting all that I hoped for in the night. It's hard to live the life you want, crave, desire when y you are the soul provider. There is not fall back plan, no nest egg, no insurance if I don't work for "the man". No benefits, no vacation days, no one but me to take care of me so I cave, I put on my corporate gear and trudge off to a soul killing place and begin my days all over again, and again and again.

It's not as bad as I make it seem, it's just that it's the same thing everyday, no real change. Always fighting the same losing battle over and over and although sometimes the players change, it's still the same battle. Just kind of exhausting to the soul.

So I wait...I wait to leap. It will happen, it's about timing...timing is everything. I know the net will be there when I am's always there just waiting for me to learn to leap.

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