Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Talk is cheap

Words have power. We give them the power. We allow them to make us feel something - sad, happy, loved....whatever it might be, we allow them to let us feel something. People talk a lot. I am probably one of the worst offenders but I'm starting to maybe reconsider the fact that words have power. They very well just be empty vessels we use to make ourselves feel OK.

How many times have we all done this....said yes to things when we really don't want to? Said I'll be there or I'll bring this or I love you and really, in the end, it means nothing. Words really don't mean anything...it's the actions you follow them up with that mean things.

You can't say I love you and then cheat on that person. Is that love? Is that how you show your heart to someone? You can't say you are important in my life and then never spend time with that person. You can't say I'd do anything for you if you would just ask....and then never do what your asked. Words are empty vessels without action that follows up or matches.

I've been thinking a lot about the people in my life that I enjoy being with, the people I want to spend my time with and even though I don't get to spend as much time with them as I want, the time I do spend with them makes me realize how important it is to have people you can be yourself with, that you can let your hair down and just be....no judging, no rules, no hidden agendas. It's easy and helps make the rest of your life bearable.

There comes a time in life where you realize you need people around you who you know will be there to hold your hand and you theirs when it's needed.

So now that we are at the beginning of not only a new year but a new decade, let us become the kind of people/friend/lover/employee/person whose words match their deeds.

1 comment:

SOUL said...

are you a mind reader?
because this post reflects exactly how i have been feeling-thinking lately. for quite a while actually.
i get the feeling that you have been burned- or used by others, and that you are the type of person who does speak the real truth, and who stands behind what you say.
i could be way off here, but that is what i get from what little i have read since i found your blog last week.

anyhow- the reason i feel that way?
because, i am one of those people too.
my word is my honor. i'm one of those handshake people. ya know?
my word-- and my 'words' actually have meaning.

and to have that not taken seriously? or to be betrayed by people who do have hidden agendas like you said-- makes me be - or at least wish i could be - a shut in. and keep my words- and me- to myself.

when you are your word-- and it means nothing? you learn to protect it. right?

at least that's where i have found myself recently.
i closed down a blog i had written in for over three years. because to me-- the words i put on those 'pages' were my soul.
to others-- many who read daily for most of the time i wrote there... it became merely entertainment.

i shut it down.
guess what? i lasted about four days before i opened up a new blog.
i have to write. it's who i am.
but what i say-- has meaning.

and so does what you say. i saw that from the first post i read here. and that's why i come back. although-- you haven't posted much since i stumbled in... i'll still come around to see what you say--- cuz for some-- talk isn't all that cheap.

have a happy day fifi