Monday, May 18, 2009

What you don't want

I love my thoughts from the Universe. I often look forward to reading what they are going to be and seeing how much they tie in with my own life. Sometimes I completely forget about them and then when I get to work and open my email I have them a fun surprise.

Things have been busy at work the past few days.....that's good but it doesn't give me time to do my own own thinking, my own anything and then things get all bottled up in my head and then I have to spend a lot of time sorting through all the thoughts spinning in my head.

It's ok...there is a reason for everything....I get that. I was off on Friday and spent the weekend in Rochester for my admin Division meeting. Those meetings are always a fun time to reconnect with people who I don't see but a few times a year. Some are such rays of light in a day and others are somewhat.....not. It's not that they are mean or unpleasant, they are just sort of there. It's hard to explain. It's always a good weekend to learn new things, to make new friends and to cut lose and have some fun with people who like to do the same!! I especially like the Saturday night event because it's a dress up night and I might add....we do clean up pretty darn well. I don't get to dress up and be a pretty girl very often so I work extra hard at it. I think it works out well. Next year I think I might get a super princess dress!

Throughout the weekend, as I talked with some new friends, reconnected with some old friends I discovered many people, despite their age, are just like me. That no matter their age or lot in life it seems like everyone is searching...searching for that elusive missing piece. I heard this in many forms this weekend and it sort of surprised me. I always think I am on this journey alone. That somehow everyone else knows the answers it's just that no one wants to tell me.

There are somethings I know for sure, but these are mostly things I know that I don't want. I think it's easy to know that, it comes from a place of either having been there or from just knowing that isn't something you would want. In all the infinite wiseness that is the Universe, here was my message this morning:
Sometimes, the only thing you know for certain is what you don't
want. Yet often that's enough to go on.
Life is good,
The Universe

Kinda freaky how all that works out isn't it. If we can just name what it is we don't want does that mean we some how stumble across what it is we do want?

In all my haste to get ready for this last weekend I overlooked the fact that I have a paper and presentation due tomorrow for school. I think mentally I've checked out of class so I forget I have to actually do something more than the final 50/60 page paper. It's going to be a late night for me tonight while I try to muddle through this assignment. Only a few classes left so I can't complain too loudly!

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