Sunday, June 7, 2009

The best days of my life?

Is it possible that the best days of your life are actually behind you? As I get ready to mark this huge milestone in my own life I wonder.....are the best days of my life behind me?

I have been working towards my degree for so long, and I've been so focused on getting to this point that I've probably missed some things I could have or should have done along the way but here I am, on the verge of having a peice of paper that will validate me in other people's eyes and I worry that I'm on the downward slope of my own life now. I worry that I'm just going to coast from here on out, that things will just be sort of .....vanilla.

I guess that's not all that bad, I don't need a whirl wind of a life, but I don't want to just settle into a compliant life either. I still need something to challenge me, to help me push me outside my comfort zone. I plan to give myself a little time....the summer anyway to enjoy my new freedom. I just hope there is more to come!

1 comment:

Schnoodler said...

considering that today is the first day of the rest of your life. And that's true everyday, no it is not possible that your best days are behind you.