Thursday, June 18, 2009

Letting go

One must let go, in order to be free.

Sometimes we hang on to things for too long. Whether it's out of fear, pain, confusion, love, safety, whatever it is, sometimes we hang on to long. There is power in letting things go. It's hard to know when to let things go and when to push through and fight. How do you decide what's worth fighting for?

It's not easy, but it can be done.

I read somewhere that the path to true happiness is often block by our own self. That we are our own worst enemies, that we to lose our mind to be happy. When we were small children we experienced life in a whole new way. Everyday was a new adventure and as we got older we stopped experiencing things and our minds started to define and categorize things. To put things in boxes, or to define them as black and white, good or bad, fun or boring.

The bottom line was we needed to live life in the "Here and Now" . We need to go back to experiencing the world around us. Just like a child's first step out on the lawn, the pointy blades of grass tickling your feet and the joy of splashing through puddles after a rain storm. When was the last time you experienced that sensation? Of course as we get older, people tend to frown upon adults doing that sort of thing. You begin to get labeled as crazy or loony or unstable.

Caring for another person makes you stop and reflect on things. At least it does for me. I see how quickly things change, how quickly the finger of fate comes down and taps one on the shoulder and says "next". It's amazing how quickly life changes. If you don't enjoy the ride is it really worth it? Experience happiness, laugh, spread your joy. Find those things that bring you joy and happiness. Ride that train as long as you can.

For me it is knowing that I have helped someone and brought a little light into their world. It's about taking time to appreciate what beauty there is in the world. It also comes with learning to change your frame of mind from the negative to the positive and seeing things in a different light.

Sometimes all you can do is keep moving and eventually everything turns out OK in the end.

1 comment:

Schnoodler said...

Damn you've gotten smart since you became a graduate.