Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Say my name

There is something to be said for people knowing your name. I like it. I like that people know who I am, in some sick twisted way it brings me great joy. My friend Sarah and I were talking about this last night and what a difference this makes. Sometimes the littlest things can make the biggest difference in some one's life. There is something affirming, empowering, just plain right about people knowing your name, at least for me. It really changes how you feel about being where you are at. I realized it again this morning as I was walking in my building at's 6:45am and the security guard yells out "Good morning Dawn"! It made me smile. I have now committed to memory his name, Jason, and I shouted back. It made him smile. Then going through the cafeteria a few of the cooks and the manager all greeted me by name. Say my name's a good thing.

I had a rough day yesterday and I was kind of mad at myself at the end of the day for letting what people say about me get to me. Why do I give other people's words, opinions or thoughts power? It's so easy to let that happen. People tell you your not pretty enough or smart enough and we believe it. We buy into it and soon we become it. I don't want to give them the power but I don't want to ignore them completely because there is some message in there I need to hear, I just need to pull the emotional part out of it. Sometimes we don't see what it is we need to see because we put up our own blinders or float down our own river of denial and sometimes that outside person speaks a kernel of truth and we see past our own blocks....but I don't know how to take it for what it is and move is what it is. I tend to sit in in, stew and feel bad about myself. As I pondered this thought while beginning my day, I read my message from the Universe and I kinda got spooked:

It's the exact same for me, Dawn. my love goes unreturned, I feel
completely unappreciated, or some clown starts telling me what's wrong with the world (my world!). And so, I have to remind myself that I am the Universe, that this is an adventure, and that one day they will come to know the errors in their thinking. And, not that it matters at all, but I secretly hope that on that day I just happen to be carried past them, sitting in my processional throne, followed by throngs of admirers, with all the Angels singing,
"We are the champions, my friends..."
Dawn, you are the Universe, this is an adventure, and they will learn.

The Universe

Weird isn't it how the freaking Universe knows our thoughts almost before we do. I love that last line - Dawn, you are the Universe, this is an adventure, and they will learn.

I guess it's telling me patience.....OK, I get that, I get that they will learn but when will I?

Man I need a martini already and it's barely 7:30am!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like being "spiritual chocolate" and a "SuperCoolHappyLoveThing". I could totally see the Dawn Universe being carried by in a procession. I hope I'm one of the Angels singing her praises.