Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some days...

Somedays it feels like you are constantly fighting an uphill battle. That no matter what you do or say it's wrong...it's gonna piss off the powers that be and you spend your day spinning your wheels and getting no where. I hate days like that. I realize they are necessary and a part of life but they exhaust me.

Yesterday was one of those days. I hate it when you are trying to follow someone and they refuse to use a signal or give you enough time to switch lanes....that's what my life feels like right now...at least my work life. If I don't tailgate then I am screwed. Why is it so difficult for people to share information, to say things outloud, to tell you what they are thinking and to give you some idea of where they envision things in the end so you don't spend your day constantly doing and re-doing things. It frustrates the heck out of me. You know what is even harder though is when you get thrown under the bus for things you didn't even have a hand in. Seriously, aren't we all adults? If we make a mistake can't we just admit it an move on? Do we really have to point a finger and pretend like it's ok?

I understand Corporate America isn't perfect, it has it's flaws but I'd like to think we, as individuals, can rise above that. We can act in ways that are respectful and kind. Maybe I'm a dreamer...but really...how hard is it?

What did the Universe have waiting for me today:

Always be grateful for criticism, Dawn.
You're gorgeous,
The Universe

I guess we only grow stronger from these life lessons. Maybe that's not the right word, regardless, there is always something to be learned from every event....right?

Must go figure out this day.

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