Monday, April 20, 2009

Sometimes tv is good

Okay, I admit it...I had a super lazy weekend. I had so much I SHOULD have gotten done, painting, cleaning, organizing.....but honestly....once I was done with my shift from 11-4 at the ET it was all I could do to get back up to my apartment and collapse on the couch. I was exhausted. I couldn't seem to get motivated to do any of the things I NEEDED to do. I don't think the world will implode because of it but I feel a little under the gun now for not having done all that stuff.

I watched a lot of TV this weekend...something I haven't done in a long long time. I miss my Lifetime TV! :)

I watched Desperate Housewives last night and it was kind of a sad of the main characters died...we knew it was coming but it was kinda sad to see her actually go. She went in such a classic way too...I loved the line they used...something like she died the way she lived, at the center of attention. The show was a reflection of all the imperfect yet perfect ways Edie touched people's lives. It got me thinking a lot about my own life. I suppose because we all must face our own mortality and it seems even more relevant with my upcoming b-day but it really made me think. The episode makes a nice conjecture about a person’s life; when you look back, it’s going to be filled with mistakes, regrets and's all a part of life. The show ended with Edie doing a voice over about how she lived, how she enjoyed her life and how she lived...oh how she really lived.

Made me weep like baby of course but it also made me think a's time to start really living so at the end there are no regrets. No rules....Carpe Diem!

Of course the Universe had this to add today:

You're freakin' me out. I can't remember when you last looked so radiant. When your inner beauty shone so bright. When your step was so light and your smile so heavenly. And it's Monday! What's gotten into you?! Does this have anything to do with recalling your divinity? Have you realized that time truly is on your side, and that more than enough of it remains for us to do your greatest work? Is it that you now see how much you already have, how many you've already helped, and how much you've already done? Ahhhh! Your eyes just did that sparkly thing! Moonbeams just shot from your fingertips! The aroma, all around you, is like lavender! And your angels are locked wing to wing singing,
"Weeeeeeeeee are the champions..."

...Okay, okay. So I'm pulling your leg a little bit. Truth be told, I can't remember when you didn't look like this.

All together now...
The Universe

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