Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Perception and Reality

I think I've blogged on this topic before but it hit me today how very different these two things can be on a day to day basis.

My perception is that it's spring. I am done with winter, I have declared it so...I have put away the heavy coats, the winter clothes and most definitely the close toed shoes. My perception is that it's now spring and onto a new part of this year.....the reality however, is it's freaking snowing. It's snowing and it's cold and blessed it's stillllll winter. Will this winter never end?

I realize the crazy gene runs in my family. My dad's mom was truly crazy as a tic and I think as my father's aged, he's jumped aboard that crazy train. My fear is that because I'm so much like him, I don't even want to admit it or do a comparison, but it's NOT a positive thing for a girl to take after her father, that I'm afraid that crazy is creeping into my life. Not intentionally, just slowly, moment by moment I'm slipping over to the dark side.

I am in my open toe shoes and a summer outfit today...yes I's only the end of March but I can't do it anymore...I hit the winter wall and I need color, I need free arms, I need tan legs with no tights.....crazy??....I'll let you judge. My outfit has elicited a few scowly face stares as I came tromping into work I care? Not so much. I am who I am me or leave me.

My note from the Universe this am:
Someone loves you very, very much, and wants
nothing more from you that to just be around you. They love you. Because you received this email, no matter how you received this email, it's important that you know it.

Someone besides me,
The Universe

It gives me great joy and a calm sense of being to know that someone, somewhere out there in this big, bad world loves me. Loves me.....unconditionally, with wanting nothing more from me that to just have me be in their life, be a part of their world and accepts me just as I am. It's nice. It's a very comforting feeling. Isn't that all what we want from life? To just find the yin to our yang? To have that one person who you know that no matter what this crazy world hands you, no matter that you can't live in reality - that they love you. And the minute your reach out your hand into this vast, scary world, they will be there to glomp on tight and just hold it.

Reality - life is short in the whole scheme of things. Love is lost, friends move, and the whole time, you just seem to be in the same place. Kids grow up so fast. One day you are holding their hand while they learn to walk and suddenly you are waving good bye to them as they drive off into the world ready to start their own lives. In a blink of an eye it all goes by so fast. Why do we post phone joy? Why do we wait to live our lives or to do the things that make us happy when that time may never come if we wait?

Reality - people change, people leave, they stop texting you, calling you, making time to hang out with you - just stop being a part of your world. Is there always someone new there to fill that gap?

Perception - is different.....we feel like we are never going to have people in our lives that stay. That are there, that call just to say hi, come by just to visit. We think we will never find a new friend, a lover, a job......whatever it is we are searching for. How do we learn to mesh reality and perception?

Maybe if we just learn to open our hearts up and accept what the Universe has put in front of us for the moment we can learn to be happy?

Is that my perception or reality?


mindy said...

Isn't your perception in fact, your reality???? There is no truth but that which we make so

Anonymous said...

I've never posted phone joy (I know -- it's a typo, but it made me snicker). I try not to postpone joy though.