Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More from Charlie

So last night I had my last class of the year. Yee ha! I have a glorious 3 weeks off....I haven't had anytime off from school since it started a year and a half ago...well I've had one week off but 3 whole weeks!! I don't know that I'll know what to do with myself if I'm not squeezing in homework or reading. Woo hoo...merry christmas to me!

So I got home last night and read my new book again - The Travler by Daren Simkin. It's probably one of the best gifts I ever got. It's a fast read and the last two pages really give me pause....that little Charlie sure has some good thoughts that I can relate to.

"And as Charlie spent his final itsy-bitsy seconds on his friend, he was loved.

It may not have been perfect...but he was happy."

That is such a powerful statement! He was happy. Is it really just that easy?

How the heck did Charlie do that?

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