Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Time to fly

I was thinking as I drove to work this morning how does a person know it's time to move on? Move on from childhood, a job, a friendship, a relationship. Do you just know it's time or does the Universe have to kick you to make you see it? I've been struggling to hold on to things for so long I'm feeling it time to stop the fight and let go?

I see this young girl every morning walking to the bus stop and I always think why is that young girl (8/10 years old) out this early alone? I wonder does she have to or is she choosing to? I remember when I first moved out...I had just turned 17 and moved in with some friends. It was so freeing...I felt alive. Of course growing up with so many siblings and so much responsibility I felt I was ready....of course I wasn't. Same thing with always think your ready and then somewhere in the middle you wonder....what am I doing here...maybe that's just me. Are you ever really ready or do you have to hold your breath and leap? Leap and the net will appear. It's hard to be an adult.

All these things we do seem to give us value as to who we are. Our jobs, our friends, family and most importantly our relationships. They are sort of what makes us get up and go to a job we don't like, put up with family member that may make us a little nutty or deal with friends we just aren't that fond of but we do these things for the return to us. We give up peices of ourselves to get peices of something else. Is it a fair trade?

The holidays are a hard time to be single...not alone, well that too, but single. There are events or things to be done during these times that really require the presence of another person to really enjoy putting up a tree, shopping, going to holiday parties.....couple or group things and when you are single you sort of feel out of place. Sometimes I feel like that but I've beenin this bubble for so long it doesn't really matter to me anymore - plus I love me a party!

I've noticed how sort of sad it makes some other people. Is it because they have only know that life....always had another person there to do things with and now being alone you don't know how to live your life alone? Working at the ET I've had the opportunity to talk with a lot more people and there are a few people who live there who are really struggling with being alone....I imagine this time of the year makes it even harder. I talk with them and try to point out the good things about this season, encourage them to think outside of themselves and to try to move past it but I realize people have to do that in their own time. I can't make them just like they couldn't make me.

Then I get to work and here is my message from the Universe today:
Sometimes, when you're feeling your lowest
the real you is summoned.
And you understand, maybe for the first time ever,
how grand you are, because you discover
that vulnerable doesn't mean powerless,
scared doesn't mean lacking in beauty,
and uncertainty doesn't mean that you're lost.
These realizations alone will set you on a journey
that will take you far beyond what
you used to think of as extraordinary.

There is always a bright side.
The Universe
Just blows me away how it sort of knows what I'm thinking about even before I know what I'm thinking about. I also think it's amazing that yesterday I wrote about feeling vulnerable, well wondering what life would be like if we didn't worry, and today it says vulnerable doesn't mean powerless. I almost always feel powerless over my own life. Wild. We always have the power to change. Imagine that....we have the power.

We have the choice to choose when to may not be the right time but isn't it really more about the journey we take rather than the path we are on? Wow....did I just say that?

Is it time to strap on my big girl shoes and start walking?

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