Saturday, November 15, 2008

Everybody has a story

I worked at the ET today and as usual, I learned a life lesson today. Every body has a story. There is this woman here who is what I would call a crumudgeon....a cranky woman. She is not very friendly and sort of barks at people. If she calls down to the office for something she asks the question and once she hears the answer she just hangs thank you, no good bye, just hangs up. Others say she just has a rough exterior but i had yet to see it.

Today she had a christmas tree (a mini 2ft plant) delivered and I helped her bring it up to her apt. She was very nice and chatty with me. Then she came down to get her mail and chatted with me and the mail man for about 20 minutes. What an interesting life she has....well what an interesting story she has. She is easily in her 60's, doesn't drive, works in a law firm 2 blocks from the ET and doesn't take crap from anyone.

It's funny when we listen to the stories others have...every life is a story. I forget that others have more to them then the short interactions or moments I have with them. I have to remember that no one is on their journey alone.

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