Maybe sometimes I can be "high maintenance" and maybe even a bit of a diva but overall I think I'm worth the work....but complicated - I don't see it. He then said "you must have lots of internal conversations". Actually I sort of have them out loud, at my desk, all day long. I don't know that there is much about me that is quiet...or internal. I guess it's not all just always surprises me when people call me out on my oddities.....I always think that no one knows the trouble I've seen. My comment back to him was "'s not easy being me". We both laughed, it's true its NOT!
Today's quote may be one I used before but it fits:
Let the world know you as you are
not as you think you should be
because sooner or later, if you are posing
you will forget the pose.
Live out loud.
Do you ever think people assume your life is less complicated then theirs because you are single-as if that somehow excuses you from having all the burdens the rest of us do. Every life is complicated-and if you are a thinker and asker of questions that doesn't make you complicated it makes yo9u curious and not willing to settle for what eveyone else seems to settle for.
You are not complicated -- complex maybe, but not complicated. Complicated has a negative connotation and you are not that! Think good thoughts, girlfriend, you are one of a kind!
I agree with Marna -- you are not complicated. We love you just the way you are and wouldn't want you any other way! And seriously -- he said you're complicated? Pot, meet kettle....
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