Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Holding Grudges

It's so much easier when you are a kid to accept your flaws, your imperfections and to let whatever people say to you or about you just roll off your back...kinda like drool down your face, you don't even notice it and you just move on.

Sometimes it's really hard to let go of the things that hurt you. The things that are said or done to you in anger. Sometimes you think you have moved past it and you "let it go" but then something always seems to bring it to the forefront....again.

How do you really forget and forgive? Once those things are out there, those things are said or done to you how do you get past it? It's like letting go I suppose...which we all know how good I am at that! I remember this boy I had a terrible crush on when I was like 15 or 16. We were playing hide and seek (umm that was what we did in my days people) and we ended up hiding in the same place....a big giant garbage dumpster (don't judge) and his name was Andrew...or Andy......I liked calling him Andrew...anyway we were hanging out in there and he told me you know I'd really like to kiss you but you have a mustache. Seriously!

I'm not talking a handlebar mustache, I've got some greek in my family history so I'm not gonna lie, we girls possess a little more facial hair than is probably girly girl but hey...I didn't know about waxing back then...and it wasn't like SUPER noticeable...I guess it would be if you were that close to me but heck......get over yourself. That stays with me to this very day, I still hear that little voice in my head. You know what's funny, I saw him years later, like after high school and he was completely bald...and not in a hot, sexy kind of way. Ha. The Universe does have a sense of humor!

So last night in class while I was suppose to be focusing on the present value of money and the future value and (insert Charlie Brown's teacher talking here) and I started thinking about the things people say and do to each other and the long term effects. I know I've done things to others and I am truly sorry for some of them.....but I we have to give them the power of time. Do those memories or moments get to stay with us and keep playing into our lives?

Interesting things to ponder. Today I open my email to get this from the Universe:

When you can look beneath their behavior that hurt you and you can see the frightened child - it becomes nearly impossible to be angry and carry a grudge. And you so can.

The Universe

So it's the scared child in someone that makes them do the things they do? Aren't we all scared at some point? Aren't we all unsure? How does a person become a parent, be responsible for another living soul, and still act like an ass?

I don't get it.

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