Sunday, August 3, 2008

Moderately Sedated

You know that feeling you get after you've had a drink or two...that sort of peaceful, easy feeling that a good drink provides? Your shoulders relax, all the drama of real life seems really manageable and most importantly you seem to get a little bolder....that's the feeling I'd like to have allllll the time. I love that feeling - that moment that your brain sort of shuts down and stops putting up all the walls up f you shouldn't and you can't's. That blissful moment just before you hit stupid drunk. Ahh....wish someone could invent THAT....I'd sure as heck buy stock in it!

I realize the older I get the more invisible I seem to become. I used to think I was present, noticeable.....a vivid living representation of my inner voice but suddenly I seem to be slipping into oblivion....when I'm walking in public I seem to be completely and totall invisible....even in my (as Troy said) almost neon mustard yellow shirt. Why is that? Does a person reach a certain age and people suddenlythey stop seeing other people as real? I was walking through Eden Prairie mall yesterday in my almost neon mustard yellow shirt and was clutching my favorite pink satchel and I must have gotten walked into like 5 times. I kept thinking...did I take my invisible pill today? Seems to happen a lot to me - at the farmers markets on Thursdays on Nicollet Mall. I realize at that point it's that people are so focused on finding a deal on sweet corn and the best deal on garlic bulbs but come on. Is it possible that society in general has gotten so completely self involved they can't see past their own reflection? I'd like to think I'm invisible....really I would.

I joked with a friend that we were going to start a club called Moderately Sedated...I'm pretty sure there would be little or no rules but probably some very inclusive membership qualifications and I of course would be the President. :)

Saw the worst movie ever yesterday...the newest Mummy movie...while I didn't expect it to be a Oscar worthy contender, I did expect it to be entertaining....jesh. I'll admit, I did enjoy the first say 20 minutes as they were building the story...but the second they introduced the old characters I sort of lost interest. First off the son was older than the dad and pretty much there was every special effect in the book in this got old fast. Anyway....fine few hours to spend not thinking I suppose.

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