I've always prided myself on the fact that I am a pretty good multitasker. Most of the last 10 years of my life I've felt most productive and functional when I multitask. I've never been able to understand those people that don't or can't do that....until now. In reading the book "This Is Not The Life I Ordered" I've come to the chapter called "Discard the List".
It basically states that multitasking is a trait most people admire but in reality it's killing us....literally. I like the idea of making a list...of having tangible thing to tell me what to do next. This book is suggesting we rid our lists of the things that don't matter or add value. We should restructure our lives and take more time to do things that bring us joy and to carve out time for events that create meaning. Wow...that's pretty serious. Isn't that what our intentions are when we start making these lists in the first place? I mean for me personally, I make a list so I can check off things as they get done and I feel that is my way of marking off my value added list.
They are suggesting to look at your list and cross off just two items that don't really have to be done....well if they don't really have to be done would I have added them to my list? I'm confused. Hmmm, this is going to require some more in depth thinking from me.
Thinking is not something I do well. I do spur of the moment thinking pretty well but the long term lets make a plan and stick to it kind of thinking is not something I tend to be good at. I would need to make a list....doesn't that defeat the purpose of what I'm trying to change about myself. Oh dear, this is going to take some thinking time from me to figure out.
Happy birthday Troy! Aren't birthdays great! I mean in the whole scheme of things having another birthday means the chance to start a new year. So many possibilities lay right out in front of you. The path is yours to choose....eat cake and celebrate!
1 comment:
The birthday boy says: I think the book is telling you what I've been telling you for years -- namely, that you need to learn to say no sometimes. You tend to say yes to every invitation or possibility that crops up; some of those don't really matter to you, but you tend to not see that until after you've already committed. The book is maybe saying, go ahead and put everything on the list, but then don't be afraid to cross off the things that aren't really of value. It's funny -- you hesitate to cross things off the list because you're afraid of missing something fun (I think), and I hesitate to put things on the list in the first place because I'm always hoping something more fun will turn up to take its place.
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