Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What if your not the person you think you are?

I don't even want to say this out loud, but I like being in school. Tuesday nights (now that math is done) make me kinda happy. I really like it when I have a teacher that challenges me, doesn't just let me say things - makes me qualify them. If forces me to get past the "just because" that is my comfortable response I am used to living in. It's an HR management class and he is a lawyer as well as an HR manager for the U of M so he is a smart, intelligent and articulate man who seems like he really wants to be teaching and he really cares what we think or have to say. He'll often say things like "that's a good point" or "explain to me your thinking on that". He gently forces you to qualify your words and I'm kinda digging that.

Last night we had to give our presentations on our legal issues in the workplace and it proved to be a rather interesting class. People were on both sides of many of the issue was about ADA (Americans with Disabilities) there were arguments that things go to far or not far enough, there was a discussion on gay, lesbian & transgender rights in the workplace, legal interviewing questions and unfair hiring practices. It was a good night...normally presentations are sort of like listening to Charlie Brown's teacher talk, but I have to say...I think overall my whole class has grown and actually put effort into their was a good night.

One comment my teacher made to me that I have to admit gave me great joy was after a conversation regarding the use of Utube and future politicians. His comment was that politicians of the future are going to have a hard time keeping their lives private because even if they haven't done anything of concern, they may be IN a video that was posted on Utube just hanging in the background and therefore linked to whatever was happening in the video- we all kind of laughed but in a way it's a sad truth. Then I say...."did anyone see the news article and video of the dude in Ohio that worked at Burger King and took a bubble bath in the kitchen sink AT the restraunt while the manager and a few co-workers stood there laughing..then the fool posted it on Utube. Seriously....what is wrong with people.....I am appalled at the stupidness that exists in the world." My teacher said to me.....and I quote "Have you ever thought of being a talk show host? You would be great, I'd watch your show." Aww, that is probably the coolest thing anyone has said to me. It gave me great joy that he would even say that much less say that he would watch. Oh now I want my own talk show....come to think of it...I would be good at I'd be GREAT!

I am so digging this book I'm reading - This is Not the Life I Ordered - I'm a little sad I'm on the last's a very uplifiting read. Makes me feel hopeful about myself and my life. It's very inspirational as well - granted most of the stories are of women who have lived through terrible tradegies like the loss of a child or spouse or limb or something but the stories and the messages they share are relateable (is that even a word??) to one's own life. In the chapter entitled I Needed to Find "Me" (which is what a person's life journey is really least mine is) it opens with this quote...that I will close with...think about it:

"Of any stopping place in life, it is good to ask whether it will be a good place from which to go on as well as a good place to remain".

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