Thursday, August 7, 2008


Someone should not let me have TWO cocktails on a school night with top shelf liquor...yikes.

I was really dragging this morning but on a brighter note, I think I slept really well...once I crawled into bed at about midnight. I did however wake at 5:45am all bright eyed and....well maybe not bright eyed at all. Probably picked a poor week to stop the caffeine. A nice cold glass of water just isn't cutting it.

I celebrated my friends birthday last night with dinner, a fun show (Hedwig and the Angry Inch) and then ended the night with 3 people I realize I've know for a good 20 years. It's shocking when you realize how long you've actually know someone...I mean really known them. It's funny at one point Troy mentioned that he had lived individually with each one of us at the table at one point or another in his life....well except Shelle...she may be next on the list. :) It was sort of amazing to me that I've known anyone outside of my family for that long of a time. I thought we've seen each other at our best and our worst and yet here we sat, a Wednesday night on Lake and Lyndale sharing a moment in time. Kinda powerful to think about in the whole scope of things. I know married people who are together shorter periods of time than my friendship with these people has lasted. It was a nice way to drift off into la la land last night.

Once I finally dragged my butt out of bed this am it took me a really long time to get motivated to get dressed and come to work. Since I'm heading out of town today right at 4 I had to be 100% ready last night. I got to work about 7am and sadly walked past the cafeteria (no coffee for me) and waited for the elevator. It seemed to take a really long time for it to arrive this am...maybe that was a message from the Universe? I don't know if all elevators do this but ours makes this creepy creaking sound every once in awhile. It seems to do it when you are all alone in there too which adds to the creepy factor. Once I was traveling up up and away the elevator just stopped....stuck between floors. I of course was the only one in there and I stood in the dead quiet stillness of the elevator and thought about life, the play that I had just seen my career (job) and everything in general. It's amazing how fast thoughts can flood through your brain in a matter of minutes. Then the fog sort of lifted. I thought - isn't this interesting....I'm stuck here and yet I know in 5 minutes things will be moving again, things will be fine, I wasn't worried, I didn't feel panic or nervous or even unsure of things...I just trusted and knew that things would be fine again soon.

Why can't we apply that stuck elevator thought/feeling to everyday? I don't think I was stuck more than a minute but it really helped me put my random thoughts in perspective. I have to trust that things are going to be OK. That my job is going to be fine, that my life is good and that I have all I need...if not right 5 minutes.

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