When you walk in a door and someone is directly behind you do you just keep walking or do you make an attempt to hold the door for them. I don't mean stop every time and hold the door and let them walk in first I mean by not letting is slam shut in their face? When two people approach an escalator and after just having let the door slam in their face do you then sort of jump in front of them to get on the escalator or do you stop and let them on first? What has happened to common sense? I realize we all have things going on in our own lives but how can people be SO unaware that anyone besides themselves exists? Constantly amazes me. It shouldn't I guess but it does. We as people have become so self involved that we cease to think that our actions might actually effect (or is affect?) someone outside ourselves? I try to be really conscious of that, I'm not always 100% successful but I try.
My note from the Universe today -
For those who ponder and wonder and wrestle with the idea of what it is they really want, I have an answer that each would wholeheartedly agree with: "HAPPINESS."
And for those who ponder and wonder and wrestle with exactly what will bring them true happiness, I have an answer that each would wholeheartedly disagree with: "Just do something, do anything, as soon as possible, and do it with care."
And I'd add, "Trust me."
Seems very simple doesn't it. Maybe that's the key to true happiness...simple actions. Worth a try isn't it.
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