Sunday, September 7, 2008


I used to love Sundays when I was little. It was the one day both my parents were home and sometimes, not often, but sometimes we had nice Sundays. Sometimes we'd have to spend the day cleaning or doing lawn work or crap I hated but sometimes we'd get to do something fun. I used to love to go grocery shopping with my dad. It was something my mom rarely did because my dad was really the major cook in our family. I loved wandering the asiles looking at all the food and helping him load up the cart and talk about his plans for cooking....I miss being a part of something like that. I thought about that as I grocery shopped this morning alone at The Cub.

I had made a listbefore I left, but as I rounded one corner there was this display set up, with a coupon of course, that was basically trying to sell you a meal. It was it was hamburger, lettus, salsa, cheese and tortillas. If you bought all that you could save $4.50. It made me think of shopping with my dad. He would ask me while we were shopping questions like what would I like for dinner on some night and I remember feeling like I'd just won the lottery because I got to choose something that the whole family would eat. My favorite...what did I want!! It made me think good thoughts about my childhood. Is it weird that my good thoughts happen to be food related? Hmm, never even considered that until just now. Interesting. I miss having someone around to shop with or to shop for. Not all the time but I guess on gloomy gus days like today I wish I had that. I see people coming in the building together laughing and carrying grocery bags and I kinda want that. Weird what the weather makes you think about.

A friend had a bbq last night and it was so laid back and casual that by 9:30 we were all pretty tired...of course we had stuffed our bodies full of steak and crab legs so I imagine the meat coma was settling in. Wish I didn't have to work today, I'd kinda like to be laying around watching lifetime movies slipping in and out of naps all day today....oh well. I'll be glad at the end of the month I'm sitting here surfing the internet watching people go on with their own lives.

Man I am so digging this cooler weather, I love summer and the hot days by the pool but these cool days and chilly nights make me really happy. Although I had a freaky weird dream last night - must have been all that meat I poked in. I read yesterday in a People magazine that James Gandolfini got married to a fairly younger woman and I thought it was weird because I always sort of think of him as Tony from The Sopranos and thought what about his wife....but I dreamed I was on some reality dating show and it was my turn for a 1:1 date with James Gandolfini. He took me to his house which was at the end of this dirt road and next to a huge factory. The living room was just pillows, no real furniture any where just a ton of pillows and he told me to wait there and he went down a hall. Then this woman, a bleach blonde, comes out and tells me to leave because she was going to be with James not me and we got into a fight, like a physical fight and then all of a sudden were in a boxing ring. It was bizarre. Then we realized we didn't want to fight and I left. I left in a limo....which I had not arrived in and I kept thinking this is so weird, I didn't come in a limo. Wild.

This cool weather gives a girl odd odd dreams.

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