Thursday, September 11, 2008

Maybe age really doesn't matter

You know I realize I'm old...well not OLD old but....older. I get the higher the number the more years thing but I've never really felt old. Oh I've had moments or days but over all when I think about my actual age I'm sort of surprised. Maybe because I don't have a husband or kids wearing me down to my bones but I don't really feel my age. I don't really think about it until I meet someone I like and would like to spend more time with and then I realize OMG - they are only XX years it's a bad thing. Why does it really even matter? If you enjoy spending time with people, they aren't hurting you or you them who cares? I mean if I were having some romantic relationship with a 24 year old...maybe the age difference would matter in terms of connection or maturity or whatever but overall....does it really matter?

Last night I attended a food expo event and brought along my friend and her boy. They are WAY younger than me....early 20's but man, we had fun. We laughed, we ate, we even went to the MOA afterwards and I really enjoyed spending time with them. Age had absolutely NOTHING to do with it. It was so easy to be with them. We laughed alot....and not just inappropriate laughter, although there was some of that too, but the deep laugh that makes your sound go away and nothing but forced air coming out so you sound like a cartoon character laughter. Ahh, it was nice. Plus NO drama or any hidden agenda - just fun. Just a couple of free spirits who just wandered into my life - nice - thanks Universe. Plus it was really enjoyable to hang out with a couple who actually like each refreshing. It got me thinking when I got home....age really doesn't matter. As long as people are having fun, enjoy each others company age is merely a math thing...and anyone who knows me at all knows how I feel about math! What a fun revelation for a Wednesday night in the beginning of fall. Man I can't tell you how happy this weather makes me.

There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. Life is too short to be anything but happy. I think I'll try being happy for a bit...see where that brings me.

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