Monday, October 13, 2008

Don't invest in anger

In these turbulent times, investing in anything doesn't really seem like a good idea but investing in anger is really not a good idea.

I worked at the ET this weekend and you get to over hear snippets of conversation as people walk by the office..either talking to someone else or on their cell phones. I think that's why I like texing so's a PRIVATE conversation...I can be out in the world but yet I can say what I takes me much longer to say it...but I can say it and not share with everyone. Anyway, I hear snippets of conversation and apparently the market or the phases of the moon or the unusually warm October weather has made folks kinda angry. Lots of angered conversations were spit out as they passed the office. I actually started making a little tick sheet at one point because I thought maybe I was on a game show and I was going to have to answer the question - How many angry conversations did you overhear in a 4 hr period?

Man the world is an angry place. People are mad they at the weirdest things too. I was at the grocery store yesterday and this man was raging at the old man cooking up bacon (mmmm, sample day at the Cub) because the Cub was out of the pork chops that were on special. Like this old man cooking bacon samples for $4 an hour just to get out of his house has anything to do with the sold out pork chops. Angry. Why so angry over pork? I guess it was a good coupon, buy one get one free, but honestly...get some bacon.

Work has been....turbulent. That's the best way to describe it. Between the market, sales being down and everyone being overwork (um and I'll add underpaid) it's been hectic. My friend is convinced the market is going down in a blaze of glory today.....and frankly...I can't say I would be all that surprised. I could get all amped up and freaked out that the market is a mess, that my 401 is tanking, that the economy is going to hell in a hand basket but honestly.....what good would that do? Personally, I'm doing OK. I can afford my life. I can buy gas for my car, which incidentally is going down in price??, I can afford groceries (not the buy one get one free meat though) and I have some pretty nice friends to hang out and do stuff with so where's the downside? Maybe someone slipped something in my coffee but I don't feel as annoyed or scared or freaked out by all the madness surrounding me. I've become comfortable with my own madness. Oh, that's a good title for another blog.

1 comment:

TT. said...

You know what especially astonishes me? How many people out in public seem to be angry at their kids ALL THE TIME. I realize kids are a special handful at, say, Target ... but the really ugly anger parents consistently level upon them there really disturbs me. I wonder why so many people think they have to have kids ... and then spend so much time after just basically hating them? Birth control is so cheap and easy compared to a life you don't really want.