Thursday, October 9, 2008


Wow...things never cease to amaze me. A pub that you pedal around the city in. AWESOME! I am amazed. Doesn't that look like amazing fun? Why am I not doing that right now? As I get older unfortunately I hear more and more about deaths or horrible illnesses that people I actually know suffer from. It has made me think more about my own life and things I really want to do. I want to do so much! Financially I realize it's not possible to do EVERYTHING I want but I can make a list. I'm pretty excited about it too. It makes me feel like I have a how exciting is it going to be to be able to cross things off my list! Actually, the more I think about it...I think I am going to go with a book...not a list....I have enough things I want to do and I am guessing my list will continue to grow.

I am actually actively working on a few of the items right now. How fun and inspiring that something good comes from something not so good.

I've said it before...dreams are powerful messages. I have been having alot of really weird dreams and lately they are CLEARLY sending me messages....the latest is I dreamed I was cutting off all my hair. I didn't have any feelings either way about it...I just cut it all off...right up to my noggin. Here's the analysis of what that means: To dream that you are cutting your hair suggests that you are experiencing a loss in strength. You may feel that someone is trying to censor you. Alternatively, you may be reshaping your thinking or ambitions and eliminating unwanted thoughts/habits.

A loss in strength? I guess I can see or rather feel that at work and probably a bit in my own life. Feeling censored....I guess that is all part of it and because of all of this chaos - stupid market madness making my life a mess - I think I do have to think about things in a different way. Wow, aren't our dreams smart. It's amazing how much we know about ourselves without really knowing we know it. Know what I mean?

Good lord, I need some time away to just process things. Wow. I would love to spend a long weekend at a cabin on a lake someplace!!

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