Monday, October 20, 2008

There is love

I performed my first wedding ceremony on Friday night. Officially I can marry people in the state of Minnesota and I found it sort of restored my faith in love a little bit. It occured to me that there are people out there that truly want to spend their lives with another person. Or so it seems at the time of the wedding.

It was a short, sweet, non-religious ceremony and everyone seemed to be quite pleased with it. I struggled with what to wear. I also realized that in that role I needed to create a new persona. I couldn't be me...I had to be reserved, professional, mature...things I'm not comfortable with for long periods of time. I did breakdown during the ceremony and enjoyed the chicken dance as well as participated in the traditional boquet toss. I was one of the few single girls out there and thought I have a fighting chance but then the announcement was made that ALL ladies should come out...what the nothing sacred any longer? I was of course beaten out by a woman older than I who was looking for mate #3. NUMBER 3! about being selfish.

The ceremony itself was small, about 60 people. It was by candle light and pretty simple in nature. I was nervous and when they started playing this song in the beginning I really had to fight the tears. Sometimes a song can express so much emotion. Weddings in general are pretty emotional but when the song mixes with the tears of joy it's very powerful. I really enjoying being a part of something that hopefully will last a long long time. Maybe not the love or the feelings that overflowed that day but possibly the thought or notion of spending your life with another person. Where there is love there is hope.

1 comment:

Schnoodler said...

It sounds like a great experience. Well done.