I'm not sure if there is any more to this than people just being forgetful but how come people can't remember my name? I am worried that I am forgettable, boring, average and not at all memorable. I'd like to think I leave my mark whenever I can but lately it seems that no one can remember my name. In one night I was called a few different names even though I had a name plate in front of me and I corrected him each time...first it was Debi and I said you mean Dawn? Yes....yes...Dawn....and then 5 minutes later he calls me Pam. PAM!?
I don't think I'd care if it were some other situation and he couldn't remember my name like a dinner party where there was no name plate in front of me....but seriously...it was right there in front of me for all to see. To add to my paranoia of people not remembering me...I got an email from my school counselor telling me how many credits I had left and he called me JOE. First off my name is part of my email address and Joe isn't even a girls name! Wow! Am I so bland that I am unrememberable?
What makes us remember people? Is it a kind word? A good deed? How pretty they are? What causes us to remember someone? I realize the Universe sends us messages but what exactly is this one trying to tell me? If no one can remember my name what does that mean? Does the Universe have a sense of humor? Is it testing me to see my patience level or trying to slowly gaslight me? (Old movie reference...if you haven't see it check out Gas Light). In my most recent dream I was at the doctors and I was getting a shot over and over and over. I woke up feeling that in my arm...and my arm itched all day like I had actually gotten a shot. When I looked up the meaning it said: something hindered my ability to accomplish my goal.
Man our dreams really are something...but this confuses me even more. Who is hindering me and what is my goal. As always, there is some thinking to be done.
I heard this great song on the radio on my way home and I didn't get to hear who sings it...it starts out with some line about a person leaving pieces of themselves everywhere they go...I think it's new...I'm going to have to listen for it again but basically it was saying that we leave little pieces of who we are in places we have been. I guess that's true....but I have to wonder, will anyone remember?
I will remember.....
don't forget THAT name
Stephanie, you're extremely memerable. It was probably just one of the days. Sarah, it'll really be all OK.
Oh, Trish. People get my name wrong all the time. And I'm much more memorable than you. :-) Love,
Well at work I was recently called Brooklyn. Brooklyn?? Really? That's a PLACE not a name. Haha I did laugh though. :)
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